Highland Park’s Upcoming Events and Activities for April 2023

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As always, for more information about the events below, please contact either our Hall Manager, Stephen, at [email protected] or 403-276-6969, or contact our volunteer coordinator, Anne, at [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunity: We are looking for one or more people to assist our current Seniors Luncheon Coordinator, Rosalind, in planning and coordinating our upcoming luncheons, so they may eventually be able to coordinate the luncheons on their own. Are you a savvy food shopper? Are you detail-oriented? Then this volunteer opportunity may be for you! The duties would involve, several days prior to the luncheon, menu planning with a targeted budget, shopping for ingredients, delivering food supplies to those who will prepare various dishes, and on the day of the luncheon, ensuring the volunteer crew understands and completes their tasks. Note: The volunteer would not necessarily need to be present during the day of the luncheon (if your work schedule doesn’t allow), but they would need to ensure the tasks on the day of the luncheon are assigned to our existing very capable volunteers, and someone else would supervise on the day.

HPCA Email List and Website: Are you new to Highland Park? Make sure you are on our email contact list. We don’t send out a lot of emails but when we do, it’s about important stuff going on in the community that may not have made it into the newsletter before the deadline. Sign up via our website: hpca.ca/join-email While you are there, have a look at the ‘Community Connections’ section for info on events, programs, and ways to connect with neighbours to get involved with the community.

Friday Night Fires: Join our volunteer, Dee, and some neighbours to sit around the campfire at the Highland Park grounds, starting Friday nights at 6:00 pm. You may want to bring a blanket and feel free to bring hot dogs or some marshmallows to roast over the fire with your own roasting sticks if you want. There may be some campfire songs being sung too!

Tuesday, April 11, May 2, and May 30: Next Good Food Box order dates. You can order in person at our hall between 6:00 and 7:00 pm, or you can e-transfer payment to our Board member, Anne Naumann, at [email protected] with a note re: what size boxes it’s for, and we’ll submit your order.

Second Tuesday of each month, next one April 11, 6:30 to 8:00 pm: Indigenous Learning Series at Highland Park Hall. Registration is required for these monthly events with our City of Calgary partners to learn about Indigenous history and culture through films. Contact [email protected] for more info and to save yourself a seat!

Thursday, April 20, May 11, and June 8: Next Good Food Box pick-up dates. For everyone who ordered on the previous order date, please pick it up at our hall between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.

Third Tuesday of each month, next ones April 18 and May 16: Seniors’ Luncheon at our hall, $6 for community members and $10 for non-members. Registration is required each month, so we have an accurate count for food preparation. Contact [email protected].

May 10, drop in 5:30 to 7:30 pm: Open House for the Highland Park Preschool. Some see the classroom and meet the teachers. Registration is open now and ongoing for the year starting in September. We are also adding a fourth class starting in the fall. Visit HPCA.ca/preschool for more information.

Saturday, June 17: Mark your calendars for Neighbour Day 2023! Neighbour Day is the annual celebration of the community spirit that was on full display after the floods in 2013, with neighbours helping each other out to clean up and recover. Further details of how HPCA will be marking the date will be announced in the newsletter prior to the event and sent to our email list.

Wednesday, June 21 at 7:00 pm: Highland Park’s Annual General Meeting. We’ll review what we accomplished this past year, approve our Financials, and elect a new Board. If you don’t have your current year’s membership that will allow you to vote, get it today on our website: HPCA.ca/membership.