Income Taxes and COVID-19

Highland cn

by D. Jeanne Kimber

The good news is that the tax filing deadline was extended to June 1, 2020. However, for those of you who count on receiving the GST credit, the Carbon tax rebate, or who rely on social assistance payments or the Guaranteed Income Supplement, it is best if you can file your tax return as soon as you can.

The Canada Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) assists people of no or modest income to get their taxes filed with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at no cost. Unfortunately, the tax clinics offered by BowWest Community Resource Centre that were scheduled for March and April at the Highland Park Community Hall were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are currently not aware of any alternate dates being scheduled by BowWest.

You can look for other agencies which might still be offering tax filing help by going to, then clicking on the link ‘Find a Free Tax Clinic Near You’.

The CRA website at provides advice on doing your tax returns. Some of you may have received an invitation to file your return by phone. Or if you wish to file a paper return, the CRA website says: “You can view, download and order forms at or call the CRA at 1-855-330-3305 to order a copy.”

If we learn of any free tax clinics being offered, we will post the information on our Facebook and web pages.