Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill’s December President’s Message

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Cheer is around the corner for the HH-BH community, and the Board of Directors hope you’re all well, safe, and bundled in for a long winter. COVID-19 continues to be persistent, and will continue to require social distancing, sheltering-in-place, and protecting yourself, and others, through regular hand sanitizing and wearing effective face covering. While honouring the public health orders and civic directives, our Community Centre remains open and regularly sanitized, a safe and clean place to engage in your favourite activities (e.g. badminton, pickleball, basketball, etc.).

Through the past month, we held our 2020/2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and have on-boarded our new Board Members. Thank you for participating in this virtual and in-person demonstration of community democracy and representation. We hope that we can return to full program offerings by Spring 2021, and that our Community Playschool is available for full pre-school enrollment.

Winter brings in months of cold temperatures, snow, and outdoor activities. It is also a season of great community volunteer spirit and support, including help with setting up outdoor ice skating at Green Park. Given that outdoor activities will be a particular focus this winter, we encourage people in the community to volunteer to keep the ice surface clean, while the Community Association continues to fund regular visits from the mini-Zamboni. We look forward to seeing the community spirit through the snow angels, who help clear sidewalks for their neighbours. It is also the season to show community care by helping those sheltered in place, by offering to pick up groceries for them, visiting the post office or drug store, or getting that perfect Christmas tree to lighten up their spirits. If you have kids and grandkids, be sure to give them a call and wish them well.

Happy holidays from the Board and Administration of the HH-BH Community Association and Playschool.