FFCA School Update

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Hello Montgomery Community,

We hope that you have had a great summer! Our students returned to classes as of Tuesday, August 29 and we are excited to be back!

We appreciate that our high school is not a usual neighbourhood school as our students come to us from across NW and NE Calgary. As guests within Montgomery, we are always eager to partner well and so we want to let you know a little more about us and recommend some communication avenues.

We hope that we are always good neighbours in the community! Our administration team consists of a Principal Educator, Mrs. Bharati Singh, and an Associate Principal, Mrs. Susan Boyd. Sometimes, the information you wish to share relates to a real time concern and can best be supported with a call to Calgary Police Service (CPS) in addition to the school. CPS has encouraged us to let our neighbours know that depending on the information you want to share (example: parking, driving concerns), you can call the Calgary Parking Authority at 403-537-7100, select option 2 and speak to a dispatch officer or for police concerns of a non-urgent nature, call the police non-emergency number at 403-266-1234.

Our high school is grades 9 to 12, with about 500 students and a staff of 39. Progress towards the new high school build continues as you can visibly see, and we hope to be in the new building in February 2024. Monday to Thursday, the school day begins for students at 8:30 am with buses beginning to arrive after 8:00 am. The lunch break is from 11:35 am to 12:20 pm, and buses leave at 3:28 pm. On Fridays, we have early dismissal with a nutrition break from 10:45 to 11:00 am, and buses leaving at 1:20 pm.

A bit more about us is that Foundations for the Future Charter Academy (FFCA) is a public charter school that currently has students in grades K to 12 at eight campus locations across Calgary. Our school system is 26 years old and we are the largest charter school system in Alberta with four elementary campuses, two middle schools, and two high schools.

Wishing you well, 

Mrs. Singh – Principal Educator and Mrs. Boyd – Associate Principal

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