MCA Treasurer Needed

Montgomery cn

Are You Good with Numbers?

Hello Montgomery!

I served as Treasurer on the Board of Directors from 2008 to 2021. I returned to the Board in 2024 as a Director and am currently the interim Treasurer.

I’d like to step back to a Director position.

If you have an interest in sitting on the Executive, I invite you to join our team as Treasurer! A background in not-for-profit finance is an asset, however not necessary. You will be working directly alongside MCA’s bookkeeper, and our Board is available to you as a “finance committee” resource.

Sitting on the Board has been a rewarding and sometimes challenging experience.

Join the Board, get involved, and help your community grow!

Our next two monthly Board meetings are scheduled for Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, April 15 in the boardroom at the MCA Centre. The centre is located at the corner of 16 Avenue NW and Home Road, across from Tim Hortons!

I look forward to meeting you!

George McMullen

Interim Treasurer

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