MCA Vice-President’s Message for June

Montgomery cn

Happy Spring! It is with great delight that I tell you about what’s been “springing” up at Montgomery community!

Our volunteers have been busy beautifying the grounds and the Community Garden folks have been prepping and planting!

We’re looking forward to a number of great events in the fall including MCA’s 60th Anniversary Celebration in September.

Fourth Friday Pub Night was a great success in April and will return in the fall.

Social Seniors Potluck is ongoing year-round. Gord and Harv continue to keep us entertained and we’re looking forward to a pancake lunch served up by the Bowness Lions over the summer.

MCA has undergone a transition in staff personnel and directors on the Board. We’re excited to introduce to you our new board members who bring with them their years of experience, expertise, and enthusiasm! We anticipate an exposé and photos in the July issue, so stay tuned!

Please join us on the third Tuesday of each month for the monthly Board Meeting at 7:00 pm. Bring your questions, ideas, and comments. We want to hear from you; how can we make your Montgomery Community better?

Remember, our door is open, and we encourage you to come see us! If email is your thing, please reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you all for supporting MCA programmes and events.

Click here to the Montgomery Community News home page for the latest Montgomery community updates.


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