Montgomery’s Community Garden

Montgomery cn

Good day!

Writing on the garden as winter is upon us. Apologies for the past issue which we missed an update on. We had a challenging yet very successful garden term this year. We finished it off in October and planted some garlic this fall to give us all a little spice for next year. In August, we hosted a harvest event with some fun and games for the children and adults who wanted to play. We did some cleanup and harvested vegetables and started our prep for the fall with composting materials building up in our bins. With the wrapping up of the season, we have been harvesting even well into October with much food that we’re thankful for over the Thanksgiving holiday.

We will be starting our new season come March once again so if you weren’t able to join us this year, do look out for us in late winter.

Some interesting news during our season – and we would appreciate your help! We’ve had a thief in our garden. Apparently, this is not something new and it occurs with all gardens from time to time. If you know how to deal with pocket gophers, your feedback would be greatly welcome. Though the culprit didn’t get away with too much, partially eaten potatoes and other veggies spoils any harvest for the other gophers and humans alike. But the gophers are not participants in the garden – even their tilling is a substandard performance! Still, if we can hold them accountable, or at least find a way to deter them from any spoils, we would appreciate ideas. Thank you! You can email us at [email protected].

One bonus we had over the summer was a great effort by the city to plant a nice variety of trees outside the garden area, improving the park and bringing in some other life to an already wonderful area. We had some fun with our new friendly trees and even had an event naming the trees, especially causing a lot of laughs with the children. See if you can find the names of the trees if you’re touring around the park!

We would like to extend a big thank you to one of our local landscaping companies, Affinity Artisan Outdoors, for donating a new raised bed to the garden! It’s a wonderful addition and greatly appreciated by us all.

Please see our pictures of the garden, some people, and a wonderful selection of produce we produced through our community efforts. Photo credits go to Tammy McDonald and Aleta Ambrose. Stay tuned for an update in the not-so-distant future. Have a great winter!

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