Montgomery’s Vice-President’s Message

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I was asked last week how it feels to be a part of the MCA board. I responded, “exciting.” We are changing and growing; we are adapting to the new needs of our community. It is exciting to be a small part of this change.

I came on board the MCA board just before Christmas. Ten months. Mostly, I’ve worked alongside the teams that have presented some fun family pub and senior social events at the hall. We are still learning and tweaking, but those who I have spoken with have had fun. This, for me, is the point.

Going forward into 2024, we haven’t settled on the actual event days of the month yet, but we are creating some exciting new programming, working with new partners and resources for families, singles, and seniors in our community.

I’ve watched our awesome staff of Abi, David, Ali, and Michelle do their beyond awesome thing daily (gracias!). We have got some top shelf number crunchers onboard right now, a good thing while we struggle to come up for air like most organizations after the last few years.

We are actively researching a few weekday anchor tenants, and we feel we have an option that will contribute to Montgomery and blend with our exciting new programming.

I have witnessed my compadres on the board, our committees, and our tireless MCA volunteer teams work together to complete and tweak the bike park, the garden, the playground, and the upgrade work on the hall itself. But those are just the facilities that we can be proud of and utilize. The heart of MCA is truly her people. You.

We are looking for a few people, maybe you, for some roles on our community board. We are adding a new director, in the role of planning; more details here soon. Thank you, Neal Greywall, for all you did while here. Best of luck on your new adventures!

We are looking for people in the roles of history, membership, BIA liaison, fundraising, and some more general duties, too. Are you interested in helping and getting to know your community better? Maybe not a director (yet!), but a go-to volunteer? For a start, we could really use your help at our Community Cleanup on September 17. Let’s get to know each other then! Go to the sign-up link if you haven’t already connected.

In this newsletter, there is a list of directors. My email and others’ are there. You are welcome to reach out; we are your MCA board. If you are not sure who to approach, your best bet is Ali at [email protected]. She is remarkable at hunting us down.

I hope that you are having an excellent September and that you too are going out of your way to support our local Montgomery businesses!

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