Off-Leash Dog Parks in Montgomery

Montgomery cn

Calgary has 160 off-leash areas, using 1,145 hectares, 13% of the 8,642 hectares of parkland that Calgary Parks manages and maintains. The woofers that we know are grateful to have some of that space in Montgomery.

Taking the pups for a mid-winter run down by the river at Shouldice Park is a perk of our neighbourhood… but to make it enjoyable for all who utilize the area, there are a few common-sense rules that the City does enforce.

Dogs must always be under their owner’s control. In off-leash areas, this means dogs must be able to respond to their owner’s voice, sound, or visual commands. This will help protect your dog from unforeseen hazards such as cars, unfriendly dogs or coyotes, and protect other park users from “playful” bites to being knocked over and potentially hurt.

Dog owners must always pick up and properly dispose of their pet’s faeces. Dog owners are required to carry a “suitable means” (e.g. plastic bag) for picking up their pet’s faeces.

All parking areas are on-leash, including parking lots for designated off-leash areas.

Dogs on pathways must be on a leash no greater than two meters in length. Please stay to the right of the pathway at all times. It is against the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw to ride a bike or in-line skate with your dog. This could be unsafe for your pet, yourself, and other pathway users. Dogs may not interfere with, or obstruct, other pathway users.

Dogs considered to be aggressive must be muzzled, and harnessed or leashed. The leash should be no greater than one meter in length, and the dog handler should be over 18 years of age.

Off-Leash Ambassador Program: If you are interested in volunteering with this program online,

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