Sadness, Gratitude, Satisfaction: Open Letter to Montgomery Community

Montgomery cn

From Denise Brown!

December 31, 2024

To the Board of the Montgomery Community Association, and community members:

It is with sadness, gratitude, and satisfaction that I am stepping down from the Board of the Montgomery Community Association after having served as a Director on two separate occasions. It has been a privilege to serve my community in this way. I encourage everyone to consider participating.

Why sadness? I will miss working with a diverse team on projects that keep Montgomery vibrant and safe! The Board represents all interest groups and demographics in our changing community. It addresses community concerns both internally as well as vis-à-vis the City. For me, it is gratifying to have my finger on the pulse and be engaged in designing the future of Montgomery. So, I am sad to step down.

Why gratitude? The Board is made up of volunteers, most of whom have families and work responsibilities, and are still willing to devote time to the betterment of our community. Various sub-committees under the Board are responsible for organizing events that foster community unity and identity, catering to our little kids through to our seniors. These volunteers bring energy and creativity to organizing events, researching Montgomery history, and promoting membership. I am so grateful to our Board and sub-committee members and am sorry to leave the team. There are always spots for new participants to step up, of course!

Why satisfaction? I love Montgomery because it is a friendly, walkable, safe, and neighbourly community. As a Board member, I feel satisfied and fulfilled for having been meaningfully engaged in ways that contribute to this environment. I am vested in my community. You can be too.

Please consider replacing me on the Board or as a committee member.


Denise F. Brown

Montgomery community member since 2000

Editor’s Note: The AGM will be held Friday, February 28 at 7:00 pm.

For further information about the Montgomery Community Association and the role of a board member, please contact our interim president Harminder Dhillon at [email protected]. Or contact our MCA Centre manager Michael “Spike” Richards at [email protected]. Phone 403-247-3116.

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