Mount Pleasant Times Social Club – For Adults of All Ages


Everything slows down with age, except the time it takes cake and ice-cream to reach your hips. – John Wagner

Pleasant Times Social Club is a great way for people to get out of the house, socialize with old and new friends, be active, see places and things we might otherwise miss, and build support systems. Our activities are possible due to the support of MPCA, the fees people pay to participate, and the generous grants and donations we receive from various Calgary businesses, The City of Calgary, and community members. None of our programs would be possible without the many members of our group who donate their time and energy to make them happen. So many people to thank for giving us these opportunities.

Monthly Lunches: At our April lunch we hosted a session with Neurotrack, a company which develops digital health tools that doctors’ offices will someday use to test thinking and memory skills. These will help with the early detection of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Many volunteered to test a new tool Neurotrack is developing and gave feedback on how easy the game was to use.

May’s lunch featured our annual plant exchange where we brought extra outdoor and indoor treasures with the hope of giving them new homes. We’re looking forward to our June lunch where we’ll be joined by the Acting Our Age comedy troupe. Acting our Age is an amateur senior drama group consisting of fun-loving retired people from Calgary. They put on many shows at seniors’ events, bringing laughs to many. July and August give us a chance to get outside for picnic lunches, bocce, and horseshoe tournaments, and good conversation. Fingers crossed for warm, but not too warm, and clear weather.

Tai-Chi: Tai-Chi classes are scheduled twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:00 until 10:00 am in the Upper Hall. Monday classes will focus on beginners though all, regardless of age and experience, are welcome both days. Tai-Chi is a great way to improve your balance, flexibility, memory, and concentration. Sign up for one or both classes each week or come on a drop-in basis. The cost is only $4 per class when you sign up for the remaining classes in the session or $5 per class drop-in. We’ll take the summer off and hope to be back in the hall come September.

Day Trips: We’re making plans for more outings this year though there’s little definite to announce just yet. An evening performance of A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline at Stage West on August 28 is sold out. We’re waiting to hear if we can visit the Fairville Hutterite Colony in Bassano this summer for tours, a hearty lunch, and the chance to buy produce and baking. We’re also investigating a September trip to Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary followed by some time in Cochrane for shopping, lunch, and, of course, some MacKay’s ice cream.

Day trips sell out quickly, often before the Pulse is delivered. If you’d like to receive email notification of upcoming trips or have ideas for where to go next, contact Linda at [email protected] or 403 289-8390. People of all ages are welcome to join us.

Monday Afternoon Games: Monday Afternoon Games in the Upper Hall happen September through June. Join us to exercise your brain and enjoy some refreshments and conversation with old and new friends. We meet at 1:15 pm Monday afternoons in the Upper Hall, 602 22 Ave. NW. A variety of games are offered depending on what interests the attendees. There’s Whist, Scrabble, bridge, cribbage, or whatever game you’d like to suggest. Contact Yvette ([email protected] or 403-803-7697) to be advised when games afternoons are happening.

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