Mount Pleasant’s Community Pantry Update for April 2023


The MPCA Community Pantry has been a huge success since its installation in June 2022.

We’ve loved seeing the community come together and embrace sharing economy.

There are just a few things to keep in mind to ensure this project continues to be successful!

A good rule of thumb is, “If you wouldn’t find it on a shelf in the grocery store – it does not go in the pantry.”


• Food purchased from approved food establishments.

• Non-perishable foods (do not need to be stored in the fridge.)

• Consider the weather when donating canned or jarred foods. These foods may freeze in cold weather and become unsafe to eat or make a big mess.

• Foods stored in original, sealed containers with labels and in good condition.

Don’t Donate:

• Perishable food items.

• Food without labels or in damaged packages (dented cans, bulging cans, torn packaging, cracked jars.)

• Food that is contaminated by pests, chemicals, or anything else.

• Home-prepared foods, home-canned foods, or leftovers.

• Expired baby formula.

• Open food or partially consumed product.

The pantry is for non-perishable food and toiletry items only. Please do not leave clothing or other household goods. There are other initiatives that can take in donated household goods.

The most important thing is ensuring that we are adhering to AHS Health and Safety standards to ensure that our pantry remains a safe place for our community members to share with each other.