Mount Pleasant’s December Message from the President

Presidents Message Mount Pleasant

by Philip E. Carr, President – MPCA

In this holiday season, we have many blessings to be thankful for in our community. I want to once again express my thanks to two very faithful Board members, who retired at our annual general meeting. Each of them helped keep me moving forward in my first year as President. Nora Spencer has been our secretary for more than a decade. She prepared the Agenda for each meeting, kept and circulated the Minutes, and remains a key member of our Seniors’ group, Pleasant Times. Carole Broger has been our publicity director for many years. She sent us gentle reminders to submit our articles for the Pulse by the deadline and kept the website current.

Secondly, I want to thank each of the Board members who agreed to let their names stand for another term! Many of these people serve faithfully throughout the year. Our treasurer, Eugene Czuczman, pool director, Jamie Reid, and grants director, Marny Paul, have all made significant contributions to our community.

Thirdly, I am grateful that new board members have volunteered to join us. Aleah Kane was recruited at the Annual General Meeting and agreed to step up as Carole’s successor. We are rebranding her office as communications director (rather than publicity) to more accurately reflect all that this position entails. Kyle Hansen agreed to step in as soccer director, and I trust that we will be able to surround him with an appropriate support system and committee members to assist him in this important role. Finally, Pam Nagel stepped forward and offered to take on the position of secretary at the end of the AGM, and I appreciate her willingness to step up.

Lastly, special thanks to our vice-president, Jessica Karpat. She has organized and hosted an orientation session for the new board members. We look forward to a great year in 2019.