Mount Pleasant’s President’s Message for January

MountPleasant mb

Despite the challenges of 2020, we did end the year with several items of positive news. Our Communications Director, Aleah Kane, was successful in applying for a grant from Google. Our Treasurer, Tamara Flindell, obtained a second quarter grant to alleviate some of our losses due to the COVID pandemic. Tamara also applied for the grants for the third quarter and fourth quarter, but at the deadline for this article we had not heard the results.

We have also been encouraged by the increase in the purchase of community memberships. As of our November meeting, there had been more than 280 new members in that month alone. Thank you for your part in helping to build community spirit in a challenging year.

Our Special Events Coordinator, Natalia Gorobinski, continues to be creative in thinking of events that meet the changing health and safety guidelines. The porch photos with Santa was a huge success, with all available time slots booked shortly after registration opened. Given Santa’s especially busy schedule this year, Natalia did an amazing job in securing his time for us.

Our Board end of year social event, held over Zoom, was a success. Thanks to President Jessica Karpat for her creativity, and for planning this event. (I am happy to say that the food and beverages were real and enjoyed on an individual basis. Only the conversation was held in a virtual setting!)

We were able to open the Sportsplex for our community skating slots by asking people to register in advance. Unfortunately, we were only able to hold two of these events before a new set of restrictions forced us to hit the pause button. As the guidelines change rapidly, please consult the website for the latest news.

Philip E. Carr, Past President, MPCA, 403-467-0351