North Haven Girl Guides – March

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There are Sparks in North Haven! The 58th Calgary Spark Unit is comprised of 15 five- and six-year-olds. We kicked off our year with a visit to Granary Road. It was great fun to burn off some energy exploring, running, and climbing in the different playgrounds at Granary Road. In October and November we enjoyed making slime and doing other fun experiments. We also made glass mosaic sun catchers and played lots of games. In the new year we all took the C-train to the Calgary Girl Guide fireworks at the Stampede grounds and had our first sleepover! It’s been very exciting to try so many new things and to make new friends. In the upcoming months we are learning about our community. We will visit the fire station and go on community walks. We are planning to go to Camp Horizon in April and Camp Jubilee in May. To give back to our community, the Sparks will be making birthday boxes for the food bank.

Our Unit and other branches of Girl Guides that meet at North Haven Community Hall will be selling the classic cookies (box that contains a sleeve of vanilla and a sleeve of chocolate cookies) door to door in late March/early April. The cost will be $6 a box. As we explore our community and see you during our cookie selling campaign, we look forward to meeting you to say, “hi neighbour, happy to see you”.