North Haven Snow Shoveling – March

NorthHaven cn

Thanks to all of our customers (50, a record high!) and shovelers (35) for another successful shoveling season! Although we had some long stretches with no snow this season, overall, there was more snow than last year which kept the shovelers busy. A big thanks to the NHCA Finance Team, Tyme and Cheryl, for handling all of the payments from customers to shovelers!

The 2022-23 season will conclude on March 31. It is still possible to sign up for short term coverage (i.e., vacation) until then. Contact [email protected] or call 403-282-6537 if you are interested.

This was my fourth and final year coordinating the program, as both of my kids have participated and aged out of it. If you are interested in taking over this position for the 2023-24 season, please contact me at [email protected] or the NHCA Board at [email protected].

Have a great spring!
