Ranchlands Girl Guides – April


Our 60th Guides attended the Thinking Day Fireworks event at GMC Stadium held by Calgary Area. It was a big day for Girl Guides on February 22 and was extremely cold this year, but we were grateful that it was a perfect night for outdoor activities on February 25, where we cheered with the fireworks and danced under the stars. It was special to see our mama volunteers dancing with their daughters. We care not only about the guides, but also their families. After all, it is a Unit Community we are building. March was kicked off with our special guests from Japan who taught us how to make Origami Cranes. With repurposed calendar paper, the cranes turned out extra beautiful. A couple other highlights of March were Knitting 101 and the Library Tour. Activities to come include Lip Balm Making and Herbal Tea, Nature Walk, and May Camp. In order to support our activities, fundraising is crucial. Girl Guide Cookies are available at Ranchlands Community Association for $6 a box. Please kindly visit RCA during office hours and support our guides.

If your grade four to six daughters are interested in joining us, please feel free to try now and join later. For any questions, please contact [email protected].