Rosemont’s April President’s Report


The quick rundown:

  1. Thank yous for Shinny and Rinks
  2. California Dreamin’ Beer and Wine Tasting – April 30
  3. Looking for board members and web designer

Howdy Rosemontians! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

Well, spring is in the air and the snow mold is making me constantly question if I am getting sick or just allergic to life. You’d think that after 30 years of living in this city, your body will adapt, but noooooooo.

I want to first thank Grant and Jean for their tremendous work on shinny this year. We weren’t able to run as long as hoped due to the crazy warm fluctuating weather but at least the kids got out a bit this year, which is what matters. Putting this activity on every year is no easy feat, so I want to sincerely thank you both for your passion and dedication to helping kids embrace the love of skating, hockey, and spending time outside in the winter. If anyone would like to help next year, please drop us an email and we can connect you with Jean and Grant.

And speaking of the ice, once again a huge thank you to the Kurt, Bill, Craig, Kris, and everyone for their tremendous effort of reviving the ice numerous times this spring. I think snowblower-to-skating-days ratio was the highest it has been in a long time because of the crazy weather. So once again, thanks guys for once again making the best outdoor ice in Calgary!

On March 12 we hosted our first in-person, indoor community in literally two years (almost to the day). The kiddos were enchanted by the music from Disney’s new movie Encanto and it was a great opportunity for the adults to remember what it is like to hang out again. A big thank you to the volunteers who helped set up and put things away. We are going to do more of these smaller events in the future so if you enjoyed it and have other ideas, let us know.

Do you love California? Beer? Wine? Food? If you answered yes to one or more of the above, then you will love our California Dreamin’ Wine and Beer Tasting event on April 30 at 7:30 pm. We will be guided through three beers and three wines from the Golden State and enjoy some wonderful west coast-inspired dishes. This in-person event costs $30 per person for community residents (if you live outside Rosemont, you will need an Associate membership). Please register online at Space may be capped, so make sure you book early!

As things start to open back up, we are always on the lookout for the best ways we can keep folks like yourself engaged and keeping Rosemont the best small community in Calgary. Want to start a dog walking group? See something in another community you think people might be interested in? If you have ideas for events, would like to be a bit more involved or want to meet some new people, shoot us an email at [email protected]. We are always looking for new board members (it is a very small time commitment each month) and we’re a pretty chill bunch.

If you have a budding web developer, web designer, or communications specialist at home who is looking to help their community while building their portfolio, let us know as we would love their help with redesigning our website and email backend.

As always, keep looking after neighbours, your loved ones, and yourself.