Rosemont’s August President’s Message


I hope everyone has been keeping safe and healthy…We in Rosemont are truly fortunate to have two of Calgary’s best parks within easy striking distance, namely Confederation and Nose Hill. It has been a welcome release to get out into these beautiful areas and enjoy some exercise and open spaces. With the province gradually relaxing some of the restrictions on social gatherings, our Hall is once again open for limited engagements. This being said, 2021 is going to be very busy for social events, so if you are thinking of something next summer, you would be wise to contact our hall agent, Jacquie to book your dates. Thanks to Jacquie for taking this time to get our Hall cleaned up and refreshed, and for working with all our existing clients to help them through this very complicated time. And, unfortunately, changes in provincial funding structures prior to the COVID crisis have forced Families Matter to consolidate their operations to a larger facility. We are working with them on the possibility of offering shorter-term day and evening classes for the benefit of families in our area.

The City has been working on an interesting paving job at the corner of 14th Street and 24th Avenue. At first, I thought it was finally an expansion of the intersection to accommodate a left turning lane. But instead, it was an expansion of the bike paths to cross on the east side of 14th Street and into the Park, which always seemed to be lacking. Just seems to be a weird priority in these strange times.

There has been an uptick in the number of vehicle and garage break-ins and bicycle thefts in Rosemont lately and we encourage you to keep a look out for individuals you may not recognize and/or suspicious activities. If you see suspicious activity, please report it to the Police and mention it to your neighbours:

Crime In Progress: Emergency calls: 9-1-1

Otherwise: Non-emergency calls: 403-266-1234

Hearing impaired line (24 hours): 403-538-6147

Calgary Police Service recommends following the 9PM Routine:

  • Remove valuables and garage door openers from cars
  • Lock Vehicles
  • Close overhead garage doors
  • Lock all external doors as well as those between garage and house
  • Ensure windows are shut
  • Turn on an exterior light

Report all activities and thefts to Calgary Police, but also please email us at [email protected] and we will forward onto our Community Resource Officer.

We are thrilled to welcome one of our newest Rosemontians to our fantastic Vice-President, Matthew and his beautiful wife, Jenn, with the arrival of their daughter Natalie. Mom and daughter are all doing great and brother Ian and Dad are getting used to no sleep…

Rosemont Community Association has three initiatives that we need help with. The first is the RCA is looking for a Communication Coordinator. This person would help the Association with web design and general written communications within Rosemont…(and no, you won’t have to change the sign)…If you could volunteers and few hours a month to help your fellow Rosemontians, please email us at [email protected].

The second area is we are looking for a new secretary to record minutes of our meetings and be a part of our executive team. The position involved taking minutes at our monthly meetings as well as the Annual General meeting. This takes roughly four hours a month, and you get to hang out with some really interesting people. Once again, if you could spare your community a few hours a month, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, an editing error on my part. I incorrectly said that our former secretary, Diane Myers, was leaving the Board. That was incorrect. Diane is staying on the Board, but would prefer to act as a Board member at Large, rather than Secretary. We are once again thrilled to have Diane remaining as part of the executive team.

Finally, we have been approached by one of our residents, Victoria B., about the possibility of creating a community garden, or at least beautifying to outside of the Hall, so that it looks as beautiful as the park it is located in. The RCA is all in for this and Victoria is putting together some ideas of things we could do…If you would be interested in participating in this very interesting project, once again, please contact us at [email protected].

Finally, the COVID crisis has cancelled all our regular Community events for the spring and summer. However, we’re not sure yet of what the Fall will hold, so we have tentatively pencilled in Saturday, September 19, for a Community event. Details to follow. Our AGM is scheduled for Thursday, November 19…Details to follow as well. That’s it for now. Please keep healthy and safe and we’ll see you in the Park.