Rosemont’s President’s Message for April 2023

Rosemont cn

The quick rundown:


2. Pub Night

3. Casino Fudnriaser

4. Helping Out

Howdy Rosemontians! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

First, be sure to check out our new website at if you haven’t already and make sure you are getting our monthly email blast. There is more information on there than in here, including things like City of Calgary requests for input, happenings around the community, and lots more.

As we move into spring, be sure to contact 311 if you see potholes, ice dams, etc. The City can only help if they are aware of the issue. You can call them, submit it online, or else you can use their app (it works quite well actually).

Mark your calendar for May 13 at 7:00 pm. We will be hosting a Pub Night. Details are TBD as I write this, so please check out for the details, including RSVP.

We are in the process of sprucing up the inside of our community hall with a new coat of paint. If you are a home decorator and would like to volunteer your services for an hour or two, we would appreciate your input. Please email us if you have an eye for this kind of thing and can help us make the community hall a little brighter and more welcoming.

Our biennial casino fundraiser night is May 11 and 12 at Elbow River Casino. Volunteering at this event provides a dependable revenue stream for us to offer free and discounted events (such as the Winter Carnival and Stampede Breakfast) and maintenance to the hall, such as the new wooden boardwalk. Most spaces are filled (thank you to everyone who has signed up) but there are a couple spots still open. Please contact Ian Kirkland to sign up or email us for more information.

On the volunteering note, we always need help with planning and executing our events. Please contact us if you would like to help with one of our upcoming events (Pub Night, Stampede Breakfast, September Start Up, etc.). Unfortunately, we are in the position where the same half dozen folks are helping to organize or execute all of our terrific events and we need additional help. Otherwise, we will regretfully have to start cancelling events, which we don’t want to do. So, if you have ever attended one of our events and thought “You know, it would be so much better if xyz…”, we’d love to have you help make them even better as we need fresh ideas.

Speaking of volunteers, we have been running our shinny program for the past 24 years, with hundreds of kids getting to enjoy the joy of hockey at our outdoor rinks. Without amazing volunteers like Grant Parks and Jean Blackstock, we can’t run it. This was Grant’s last year coaching and Jean needs help with coordinating it next year. Without a coach and coordinator, we can’t run it. Please contact us if you would like to help and we can put you in contact with Grant and Jean.

As we get into spring season, our friends at LDK Foundation Karate Group and Common Digs (both renters at the community hall) have terrific spring and summer programs coming up. If you haven’t checked them out already, I highly recommend you do so as they offer fantastic programming. You can find their details on our website at

As always, keep looking after family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.
