Rosemont’s President’s Message for October


The quick rundown:

  1. Membership Time!
  2. Flood Mitigation
  3. Traffic Calming Delay
  4. Halloween, AGM, Christmas

Howdy Rosemontians! I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe.

For those who were able to make it, we had a fantastic Start Up BBQ in September. The weather was great and we had tons of Spolumbo’s sausages, drinks, catching up with familiar faces, and meeting some new ones. A huge thank you to everyone who helped out, including Bent, Carly, Heather, Jacquie, Mel, Austin, Eliza, Craig, Maura, and many others that helped clean up afterwards. It’s always great to be able to start the new school year with some fun.

Did you know that you need to register for a new community membership every year? Well, you do and it’s time! The good news is that it is easy to do and free for Rosemont residents this year. Why get a membership you ask? Discounts to our events (or in some cases, completely free, like the BBQ we just had), 10% off hall rentals, voting at the AGM, and some community sports leagues (as well as our shinny program) require community membership. Find more information online at

You may see some bulldozing and landscaping around the hall. We are doing some flood mitigation and sidewalk enhancements on the south side of the hall. This work has been a long time coming for us (3+ years) and we are very excited to improve the water movement, drainage, and general swampiness around that area. The proposed changes include a slope away from the hall, some concrete barriers along the parking lot to divert the water towards a swale which should flow towards the creek, and new paved pathway to the south and west side doors. A big thank you to our City liaison, Aaron, for helping to ensure that this is getting done this year.

In the previous newsletter, I mentioned traffic calming measures that would be implemented this year based on the pilot project that took place. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen construction cost increases, the City has had to make the difficult decision to delay the Rosemont Neighbourhood Streets construction to Spring 2023. This decision ensures that they deliver these improvements in a way that is the best value for Calgarians and Rosemont residents. The City is still committed to completing the traffic calming improvements, to ensure neighbours of all ages and abilities can connect and have access to safe travel options. The project webpage will continue to be updated at For any questions or concerns, please email [email protected].

Get ready to be spooked! Workshop Theatre is hosting a couple of haunted houses in the hall from October 28 to 30! This fundraising event is ticketed for Saturday and Sunday, but Rosemont residents and Rosemont School families can attend for free on Friday (donations appreciated). Visit our website for details and tickets.

Our AGM will be held on November 23 at 6:30 pm. We will once again plan for in-person and virtual options. More details in the next newsletter and online.

I know it’s a bit premature to start thinking about Christmas and the holiday season, but I recommend throwing a reminder in your calendar for December 3. We will be hosting our second annual Christmas Market at the hall. It was a huge hit with a ton of positive feedback last year so we recommend penciling it in now.

I think that does it for this edition. Just a reminder that we have a new website and our email blasts look a bit different, so don’t put them in your junk folder!

Keep looking after your families, friends, neighbours, and yourselves. Have a wonderful October everyone!