An August Message from West Hillhurst’s General Manager

WestHillhurst cn

Hello everyone.

I hope that all of you have been staying positive, practicing good self-distancing, quarantining you and your families, staying safe, and keeping your sanity. I have loved what our outdoor gardens have become and thank everyone who purchased a plot this year. Another huge thank you goes to those individuals and families that purchased a tennis COVID membership. I have never seen that many tennis players in the previous five years.

We will be doing a soft opening July 20th for the arena and fitness centre. There will be new policies and procedures for both of those areas. For the fitness centre, this includes all court, cardio and weight room, bookings will have to be made online. Also, for the tennis courts and squash courts, when you book, you have to list who you are playing with or against. This is for COVID tracing for AHS. Spectators will not be allowed for the time being in either the arena or fitness centre. Hours will change in the fitness centre for the summer.

The main opening for our regular renters will be around September 1st. This is for the entire building and will allow us to make sure our building is safe for you to come back to.

I hope to see all of you in the building, when allowed, as we will need all of your support even more.

Thank you.

Bryan Polak

General Manager

[email protected]