West Hillhurst Green Committee – April

WestHillhurst cn

Who We Are: Julie Impey (chair), Maggie Lam, Ruby Sharma, Lawrence Braul, Marc Coyte

What We Do: Participate in events that promote sustainability and environmental stewardship. Help the WHCA building and West Hillhurstians to reduce carbon footprint. Share learnings about environmental issues. Support the WHCA community garden.

Join the West Hillhurst Community Association Green Committee. Get involved! Make connections! Our virtual meetings take place on the first Monday of the month at 7:45 pm.

A variety of volunteer roles are available. Contact Julie Impey, Green Committee Chair at [email protected].

New Projects

1. Urban (tree) canopy in West Hillhurst – reforest West Hillhurst

• Lost two mature trees in West Hillhurst park in December 2022

• Identifying trees in distress

2. Tiny Forest initiative

• Established the Calgary Climate Hub & Alberta Ecotrust

• Fast growing, dense, native plants in small sized area (Miayawaki method). Currently scouting best locations in West Hillhurst

To get involved contact [email protected].