West Hillhurst Green Committee – March

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Living Green Tips: Fast Fashion

by Julie Impey

Did you know that the fashion industry is responsible for about 10% of carbon emissions, and 20% of wastewater worldwide.

One way to take action on climate change is to think of buying and consuming less clothes.

How can you take action in your family?

1. Buy Less. Remember-the most sustainable clothing item is the one already in your closet. Extend the life of your clothes by buying high quality, wearing what you already own, and mending/repairing when you can.

2. Buy sustainable. Choose brands and products that are eco-friendly.

3. Buy better quality. Choose higher quality clothes that will last longer.

4. Buy second hand. Participate in a clothing swap or rent clothes.

If you are interested in joining the Green Committee to help with sustainability projects in our neighbourhood, email [email protected].