WHCA February General Manager’s Message

WestHillhurst cn

Hello West Hillhurst Community!

I hope everyone has recovered from the Christmas and New Years holidays and are working on their new year’s resolutions.

2023 saw a lot of things happen and 2024 is not going to be any different. We are working on a whole list of capital projects inside the building, which will probably be happening mostly during the summer months. The board and I will have finished our strategic planning session for the next five years and will look to put parts of that in motion.

By now, most of you should have seen the solar panels that were being installed on the arena roof and rest of the flat roof. Enmax and the City of Calgary deserve a huge thanks for this. In total we will have 900 solar panels supplying us with power. There will be an event happening in April to help celebrate where the community will be able to ask questions directly to the good people at Enmax and the City of Calgary. Watch our website and social media for further details about this event.

WHCA would like to thank all those community members who have purchased the yearly community membership and are enjoying the benefits offered by companies in our community, as well as the programs, classes, and community events. Please talk to your friends and neighbours about getting the membership and helping to support the community and building.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please email them to me.


Bryan Polak

WHCA General Manager

[email protected]

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