Acadia’s Community Garden Update for April 2023

Acadia cn

Hello friends and gardeners!

Did you know that there is a Community Garden located in our very own Acadia? The Acadia Garden and Art Society has been operating for more than 10 years. We are located at 332 94 Avenue SE. We are adjacent to the Ecole de la Source school yard.

Our garden has 42 raised beds as well as a food forest that can boast at least 18 different edible trees, vines, and bushes. We have two beds dedicated to growing vegetables for the Food Bank and the Acadia Food Pantry and we have three vegetable beds, one very large strawberry bed, and two raspberry patches that are community u-pick (which means you don’t need to be a member to come and pick and enjoy).

Our space is not only open to gardeners but to anyone who wants to come and enjoy all of the life that a garden brings to it. We have benches for sitting and books for reading, and quite often we have art and social groups meeting in the space. Most of the art and social groups are also happy to receive new friends so if you are curious about a group meeting at the garden, stop, say hi, and see what types of amazing things are happening in our space.

If you think you might be interested in joining our merry group, either as a gardener or a friend of the garden, you can email us to join. We currently have six beds available to rent; two 4 x 6’ beds ($25/bed/year), two 4 x 8’ beds ($35/bed/year), or two 4 x 10’ ($45/bed/year). Bed rental inquiries can be emailed to [email protected], but hurry, because these beds will get snapped up quick!

We are seeking new board members to fill positions and join the team that keeps the garden running! The board meets once a month and can expect two to six hours of volunteer time per month, depending on the season and the position. This is a supportive, friendly group, always excited to welcome new people. No previous experience needed. Looks great on a resume! Please email [email protected] for more information or to apply.

Would you like to become a non-gardening member, friend of the garden, or volunteer? You can email [email protected] and we will make sure you get put on our contact list for updates on events and garden news.

In nature, nothing exists alone, so come visit us!