Acadia’s Message from the Board for February

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Hello Neighbours!

As the COVID-19 restrictions for the Delta variant were relaxed prior to the holiday season, your ACA was finally able to coordinate with the AGLC to schedule our Casino Fundraising Event. This event was originally supposed to take place back in 2020, but the pandemic saw this event be put on hold.

These events are financially crucial to our community and provide much needed funding for initiatives such as upgrading our aging parks, green spaces, and future community improvements.

On behalf of the ACA board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who accepted our call for assistance. You took the time to make sure your vaccinations records were current, helped one another to ensure everyone had rides to and from the casino, and worked an event on a weekend, when our personal time is most valuable. Personally, I had the opportunity to work the casino on both days and it was so rewarding to meet and chat with Acadia residents and those of you that came from every quadrant of the city. Your stories and commitment to community involvement are truly inspiring. Thank you so much for making this event such a success for us!

The importance of volunteers cannot be understated, and we are always looking for people who are able and willing to be part of our amazing community. If you or anyone you know is able to help out, please contact us today by emailing us at [email protected].

Stay safe and all the best to everyone in 2022!

Malcolm Jubinville, ACA Vice-President