A Message from HH-BH for February

Hounsfield mb

by Val Noonan

February is here. I don’t really like February – to me it is the longest month of the entire year, even though we have fewer days in the month.

We all made it through the bitter cold of December and January, and now it’s time to say goodbye to the winter harshness, but February doesn’t let us do that, it is there to remind us that we live in Alberta, and winter can last all year if it wants to – or at least that’s how it feels to me. The groundhog’s day of winter months, that’s what February is.

There are of course some things in February that are enjoyable, Valentine’s Day springs to mind, and Family Day. Family Day is great for those of you who love the snow, the cold, and the biting wind – there is the opportunity to go out and do something with your loved ones – skating or skiing, even build ice sculptures if that makes you heart sing.

I, on the other hand, want nothing more than a blanket, a book, or a TV series that I can binge, while I snuggle into the warmth and “chill” out.

I don’t know why Valentine’s Day is not recognized as the statutory holiday that it should be. I don’t see Valentine’s Day as a day for couples only – it should be a day off where everyone celebrates being able to love their friends, their families, their significant other, their co-workers, their neighbors…

A few years ago, my husband and I went to a paint night event where you and your partner in crime, each on their own canvas, painted half of the complete picture. I am not artistic – I am creative, but I am not artistic, and there is a huge difference between the two. I can’t even draw a straight line with a ruler! This activity although a lovely experience, was very trying for my “everything has a place” brain. The directions of “just put some wavy lines anywhere on the canvas and blend the color outward” was far too vague – Where?? How many?? What color?? It was exhausting! I’m sure my husband was exhausted with me as well. I threw caution to the wind – had another beverage and we eventually took home some paint on a canvas. It is actually not terrible, my husband’s side is far more relaxed, while mine is very angular (I suppose that is my polite description for no talent what-so-ever). In an attempt to prove that assessment of my artistic talent wrong, we attended another event – single canvases this time… long story short… I have hung my husband’s picture – mine is in a corner… face against the wall… in a forever timeout.

This Valentine’s Day (and every day) wouldn’t it be nice if we could, without any sense of awkwardness, walk up to a complete stranger and say “you look great today” or “thank you for being you” or even “I love you” and not have the authorities arrive with the white jacket. Some days that white jacket does coordinate very well with my attire, but it shouldn’t be the required “uniform” for people being nice to people they do not know.

I wish everyone a fantastic February, remember to be kind and to love one another.

You look great today!