News from the Friends of Nose Hill – March


As many of you are aware, there is an annual global community science competition which documents urban diversity in 460 cities.

Find Wildlife. Take a Picture or Record. Share! Public bioblitzes are held across Calgary with local stewardship groups. The challenge engages citizen scientists in finding and documenting plants, animals, and other living organisms in urban areas. Since parks are for everyone, use only designated pathways and trails. Respect wildlife and keep your distance. Use designated garbage bins. Keep dogs leashed and pick up after them. Respect other visitors.

The 2023 City Nature Challenge involved taking pictures from April 28 to May 1, and then identifying them. In all there were over 1.8 million observations, nearly 58,000 species, and 66,394 participants. For example, Urban Bee Flies were among one of the species identified and they are important pollinators in Calgary. One of Calgary’s most observed butterflies, in spring and fall, was the Mourning Cloak. Common Greenshield Lichen and Red-stemmed Feather Moss were also observed in Calgary. A Water Strider was observed in Bowness Park. A Boreal Chorus Frog was also observed in a threatened wetland of Calgary. The Canada Goose in Calgary’s urban ecosystem was also observed. An Orange-Crowned Warbler in Weaslehead Natural Area was also identified. Find pictures of all these species and more at https://www.

Yes, the City Nature Challenge will take place again this year. The dates for the event are April 26 to April 29: Taking pictures of wild plants and animals. April 30 to May 5: Identifying what was found. Canadian and global results will be announced on Monday May 6, 2024. This will be the sixth year for Calgary Region participation and there are awards for the top cities. It can be any plant, animal, or any other evidence of life found in the City. Take a picture of what you find or record a sound. Be sure to note the location. Share your observations. The set up for the project page, working with the global organizer team for materials, and more can be found at: projects/city-nature-challenge-2024-calgary-metropolitan-region.