Acadia’s President’s Message for June

Acadia mb

Hello Neighbours!

Summer is right around the corner and with the warmer weather and greener landscapes, the ACA is looking forward to summertime opportunities to bring our community together. Last month’s spring cleanup was our kick-off event and our farewell to the snow. Special thanks to the many volunteers who helped that day. We appreciate your time and value your commitment to our community. This month, we are looking forward to our annual Neighbour Day which is hosted by the City on Saturday, June 18. As stated on their website, “Strong neighbourhoods are important to the health and wellbeing of our whole city. When neighbourhoods thrive, the people who live there thrive too. Neighbour Day started in June 2014 to celebrate the incredible outpouring of support and generosity neighbours demonstrated after the 2013 floods. We want to continue to celebrate one of the things that makes Calgary such a great city — our strong and caring communities. Neighbour Day provides the opportunity for Calgarians to celebrate our community spirit, kindness and resilience through the pandemic.”

This year we encourage all Acadians to get involved and take part in whatever activities you feel comfortable doing to make connections with your neighbours and community. Below are some ideas which are great neighbourly kick-starters so get out there and re-discover our residents who make Acadia such an amazing place to be a part of!

  • Neighbour Day Scavenger Hunt
  • Know Your Neighbours
  • Connection Card Contest
  • Neighbour Bingo
  • Neighbourhood ‘I Spy’ Game
  • Neighbourhood Wind Chime
  • Neighbourhood Learning Activities
  • Be A Neighbourhood Steward

As we mentioned in last month’s letter, our association continues to actively seek community representation. We have identified several key areas that we are looking to fill based on our community’s needs. Our board has established proposed committees for each of these areas which are:

  • Community Engagement
  • Financial
  • Communications
  • Grants and Fundraising
  • Special Projects

We are excited to announce that Colleen Geib has taken on the role of Treasurer with the ACA. Colleen has many years of executive experience with our board and we are very fortunate to have her back with us. Welcome back Colleen! If any of these areas pique your interest, please contact us today by emailing [email protected]. This is an amazing opportunity to get to know your community from an entirely new perspective and meet committed residents in your neighbourhood.

Your Acadia Community Association