The Cranston RA Reopening Plan


The staff at the Cranston RA have spent the last few weeks working hard on our reopening plan. We are excited to share it with you now. This plan has been approved by the Cranston RA Board of Directors and Alberta Health Services.

We will be opening in steps that align with the Government of Alberta and the City of Calgary.

Remaining diligent with regards to physical distancing, handwashing, along with following the Cranston RA policies and procedures will be important to ensure the health and safety of all residents and staff.

Step 1: Cranston RA Park Space Open

Started June 1, 2020

  • Reduced Hours of Operation – Monday to Sunday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
  • Tool Shed will be open for rentals between 12:00 and 6:00 pm –
  • Facility & Splash Park remain closed
  • Maximum number of residents permitted within the park: 100 (subject to change)
  • Park will be open for short visits provided the following are adhered to:
    • Social distancing at all times
    • Residents will enter and exit through the Main Gate – Membership Cards are mandatory
    • Tennis – Allowed (singles or per households)
    • Pickleball – Allowed (singles or per households)
    • Dry Pad (Hockey Arena) – Allowed (Basketball – singles or per households)
    • Playground – Allowed (please remember to wash and sanitize your hands before and after use)
    • Residents only – no guest allowed
    • Residents are asked to bring their own sports equipment – rental equipment will not be available
    • No drinking fountain access (please bring your own water and food)
    • Hand sanitizing stations throughout the park
    • Washroom access will be allowed through the Skate Change Room

Step 2: Cranston RA All Park Space Open

July 2020 – Subject to change

  • Summer Day Camps – starting July 6 – with limited numbers.
  • All of the above, plus the opening of the Splash Park – date to be determined. In Alberta, our splash park is considered a pool, so it will fall under those guidelines.

Step 3: Park Space and Facility Open

Timeline: To be determined

Summer Day Camps

This year will not be a typical year for day camps at Century Hall. We will do our best to provide fun and exciting camps for your children this summer while still abiding by new protocols and procedures that are put in place to help keep everyone safe and healthy. We will be offering camps for ages 6 to 12.

A link to our Summer Camp COVID-19 guidelines can be found on our website at We recommend you read through the guidelines and check them throughout the summer as we will be updating them as required.

Our goal is to provide a fun and safe environment for all the campers who attend our camps this summer. Visit to register.