CKE’s July President’s Message


Hi Neighbours,

It’s been three exciting, challenging, and rewarding years. June marks my last month as the President of the CKE; or as my kids like to call me, the ‘Mayor of the CKE’. It’s been a pleasure working for the community and working with some amazing, talented, passionate, and committed Board Members, various committee members, and teams of volunteers. Three years ago, I was pretty sure the CKE was one of the best communities in the city, and I now realize we are the best.

We still have a few items to add at the hall but what an accomplishment. To all of the volunteers, donors, and current and past Directors who pulled this project across the finish line, I’m so proud to have been involved.

I also get to announce some more exciting news; the tennis courts are going to get a complete overhaul this summer, including official Pickleball courts. Lindsey Stene and her team have worked tirelessly over the past two years, fundraising and working with the city to make this substantial project happen. Also, a big thanks to Doug Young for the backyard fundraisers. One more big item to check off!! Hopefully, the rooftop patio will be next.

I am happy to announce that AnneMarie Dorland, a new Director, will be taking over from me. She will be an amazing representative for the community and is eager to get started. Her experience in governance, communication and her passion for the community are going to be a huge asset to the CKE. I look forward to seeing where she takes us.

We’ve had a few Board Members resign this month and I do want to recognize how essential they have been for me personally in my role and to the community.

– Dan Kennelly has been a Director at Large for four years, and has done so much for the CKE. The amount of time and effort he has spent as the hall “Handyman” throughout the entire build and still today, is incredible. His get-it-done attitude is admirable; we are so lucky to have him as a neighbour.

– Sonja Johnson has been on the CKE Board for the past five years in a couple of roles, most recently, as Planning Director. Sonja’s knowledge, tact and passion for the CKE will be missed. We are fortunate to have her continuing to guide us and the city through ongoing planning initiatives.

– Liz Fontana has been the Communications Director for the past two years. Probably the most underappreciated role on the board, Liz has been incredible at keeping everyone informed. Her skill, delivery and the amount of time spent behind the scenes should be recognized and has been a huge value to the community. Prior to this role, she was also the Social Director, a Member at Large and the Secretary. This year marks her 8th year on the Board.

– Dave Milne has been the Treasurer for the past two years. I’m sure it has felt more like ten with all of the work during the construction phase. We made it through, and Dave was a big part of that.

On behalf of the Board and the entire community, I want to thank you all for your efforts and commitment. You have truly made a difference.