Deer Ridge Message from the Board – November


On Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 11:00 am, please take a couple of minutes to observe a moment of silence on Remembrance Day.

 Membership Drive

The membership drive continues. Thank-you to those who have already renewed and welcome to the new members!

Everyone will have received a membership application by mid-September. Become a member! Participate as volunteer or/in activities at the community. We use the membership money for activities like movie in the park and so many other things!

The membership fee is still $ 15.00 per household. You may mail in your membership using the membership form within this newsletter or purchase online at

Your membership not only supports your community association but also gives you a discount at the following local businesses when you present your membership card:

  • Around The Bend – 10% off purchase.
  • Cornerstone Music Café – 10% off purchase.
  • Darrin The Cleaner – 10% off purchase.
  • Deer Point Alterations & Repairs – 10% off alterations and repairs $100.00 and over.

Your support is greatly appreciated!


Vandalism (not cool!)

A reminder to all the community to report any vandalism in our community to 311 specially to report city property damage. This includes graffiti. For more information (


Deer Ridge Ice Rinks

The rinks are located at the south-east corner of Don Bosco School field. Parking is alongside Deermont Way SE. Thank-you to the volunteers for efforts resealing the rink surface in preparation for the season!

Although it seems we skipped Fall this year and went straight to Winter, the high sun still has in impact on the efforts to set the ice due to reflection off of the boards. For this reason, flooding of the rinks typically starts closer to Winter Solstice. If you are planning to visit the rinks be sure to check first if they are ready.

We are looking for volunteers to help out at the ice rinks from the end of November to the beginning of March. If you have some spare time and would like to help out, please contact us at [email protected]


Calgary Public Library

Calgary Public Library cards are free for everyone. The Book Truck is here for you in Deer Ridge every two weeks!

Dates: Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 and Saturday, November 17th, 2018

Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Location: 342 Deerpoint Gardens SE.

You may also visit online at to check Book Truck schedule for additional dates and locations.


Deer Ridge Community Association Monthly Meeting

All Deer Ridge residents are welcome to attend! Come on out and meet your new board members. Volunteer to be a board member. Join in the conversation and share your suggestions, concerns, and comments regarding your community.

The next board meeting is:

Date & Time: November 20th, 2018 at 7 PM

Location: The Trico Centre for Family Wellness – Meeting Room #9

We hope to see you there!