Renfrew President’s Message – November


I blinked and it’s November! After a very successful growing season, the Community Garden has been put to bed for another winter. Leaves have fallen from the trees and soon (I’m being optimistic since it may have already happened), the City will be blanketed in a layer of snow and we’ll be into winter ‘hibernation’. But that also means that the Community Rink will soon be flooded and ready for skating! There doesn’t ever seem to be a slow time at the RCA, except maybe for the self-imposed break we all take after the whirlwind of Stampede Day.

This month I have a bit of sad news. For any of you that attended the AGM in May, you will recall that Corianne Jenner had intended to step down from her role as Director at Large / Hall Rentals. She stuck with us for a few more months but had to tender her resignation in September. She has exciting things going on and her time is required elsewhere. Corianne has been with the Board for over 7 years and we are immensely indebted to her for all the work she has done, especially this past year. She went above and beyond, and her insight and perspective will definitely be missed! From everyone on the Board, Corianne, thank you.

Following sad news with some good news, the Board welcomes Ryan Macdonald; our new VP Operations. Ryan has lived in Renfrew for over 10 years. His background involves logistics management and maintenance and regulation of physical spaces. We look forward to the insight and expertise Ryan will bring to this position.

We are still actively searching for members to fill the Treasurer, Director of Transportation & Safety and Director of Communications roles, as well as people interested in grant writing, fundraising and community programming! There are so many ways you could volunteer for our wonderful Community and we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to speak to or email any Board Director or me, your current President, at [email protected]!

 Annual General Meeting: Friday, November 23, 2018 @ 6 pm followed by an exciting Adult Pub Night! Don’t forget to mark your calendar to attend the Annual General Meeting! This shortened AGM will include a Year-In-Review (for June through November), as well as presentation of our 2017/2018 Financial Reports. Pertinent information can be found on our website at

Notice of Board Meetings: Please note that the RCA will now be holding monthly Board meetings the last Tuesday of each month (excluding December) at 7 pm at the Hall. If you have something you would like to see on the agenda or discuss with any member of the Board, please do not hesitate to contact us! Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, November 27 @ 7 pm.

The RCA’s Casino Fundraiser dates have been set for January 7 & 8, 2019. This is the RCA’s biggest fundraiser and will provide us with the gaming funds we need to operate and function for another year. This event requires some dedicated volunteers and we’re counting on you! Please sign up for a shift or two at or shoot Mary Grace a quick email at [email protected].

Upcoming Events

Nov 8        Cannabis and Youth Presentation by YouthLink

Nov 9        Community Pub Closed

Nov 13      Olympic plebiscite vote

Nov 16      Community Pub Open

Nov 17      RenBrew Fest

Nov 23      AGM @ 6 pm

Nov 23      Adult Pub Night: Name that Tune

Nov 27      RCA Board Meeting

Nov 30      Jelly Bean & Candy Rave

Dec 2         Hot Chocolate with Santa

Dec 7         Family Christmas Karaoke Night

Dec 14       Adult Pub Night

Jan 7 & 8     Casino Fundraiser