Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for April 2023

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Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal – Volunteer Recognition

Congratulations to Mr. Don Burdeyney and Mr. Bob Hall who received the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal! Richard Gotfried, MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek, presented the medals.

Spring Fling

The Deer Ridge and Queensland Diamond Cove Spring Fling party was held at the Queensland Community Centre on April 1. A very special thank-you goes out to the dedicated volunteers who made this event for our kiddos a great time. A great big thank-you, also, to all the kiddos and their parents who came out to join us and have some fun as we welcome spring back into our neighborhoods.

Volunteer in the Community

Yes, I am interested in being a volunteer and joining together with like-minded people who want to make this a great community in which to live, work, and play!

The continued success of various events, new initiatives, as well as maintenance and improvements of facilities is dependent upon involvement of Deer Ridge residents. Visit the volunteer page at to join us in the fun!

Deer Ridge CA Casino 2023

Our community was able to get casino dates once again. Casino revenues provide an exceptionally large portion of the revenue that Deer Ridge receives to help support programs and initiatives in the community. Our casino dates for 2023 will be May 1 and 2 at Ace Casino on Aero Drive. A big shoutout to the volunteers who have already come forward to work this casino – you rock!

Community Gardens

Have you been getting your lettuce, radish, carrot, and bean seeds ready? Our community gardens will be running again this year and we hope you will join us. Watch for a garden sign-up announcement coming soon. We will get going with a garden cleanup in May, including the distribution and digging under of fresh compost, and we welcome all community gardeners and those who wish to garden with us. Come join us, get your hands in the dirt, and taste the rewards of homegrown organic produce this summer!

Movie in the Park

Mark your calendars for Movie in the Park on Saturday, August 19! Deer Ridge Community Association will be hosting a movie night with hot dogs and all the fixings and activities for the kids. The event is free for everyone. Come, bring the family, a little bug spray, and a blanket or chairs, and be ready to have a great time. Be sure you plan to join us for this very popular, fun, family event – we look forward to seeing you there!


Your membership contributes directly to the activities and amenities in your community!

Memberships are still only $15 per household, available

 • Online from our website,

 • Or by requesting a form to be mailed you.

E: [email protected] | T: 403-606-7331

Thank you for your support!

Monthly Meeting

This month’s meeting will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2023, at 7:00 pm; location to be announced. Please let us know at [email protected] if you would like to attend and we will be sure to get location details out to you – we welcome all community association members at our meetings.

Please contact us at the email above if you are interested in volunteering on the board, or if you have anything you would like to discuss at the meeting.