June Message from the Deer Ridge Board


Early summer is almost here! Everything has greened up. The kids will be finishing up school in just a few weeks. Summertime activities have begun in earnest, all over Calgary, and certainly here in our community.

Summer Rink Use: Subject to COVID restrictions, the Calgary Axemen Lacrosse Team have been practicing on the rink again. Pickle ball lines have been drawn on the pleasure rink and we invite you to play.

Tennis: Tennis courts are open for the season. COVID guidelines apply

Community Gardens: Vegetables, flowers, and greens are growing vigorously in the Community Gardens. The garden beds have proven to be so popular that 5 new garden beds are being built at the Community Gardens. The City of Calgary has once again provided free compost for the beds and the gardeners are busy working in the beds, watering, and planning what to do with the harvest.

Community Clean-Up: Deer Ridge is partnering with Queensland/Diamond Cove for a Community Clean-Up scheduled for Sunday, June 27. The City will provide dumpsters, so that we can dispose of larger household items, electronics, and dangerous goods, safely, free, and without driving to the dump. Round up all your unwanted, unsaleable/untradeable household items and bring them to the Community Cleanup. (Please note: this is for household waste only – commercial waste should still be disposed of in the usual manner.)

Casino Fundraiser 2021: Deer Ridge Community Association receives a large portion of its funding from its annual casino fundraiser. In anticipation of COVID restrictions possibly being relaxed by then, the AGCL has slotted our fundraising casino into the fourth quarter of 2021. Watch for more details in upcoming newsletters and on our website, and please consider volunteering at the casino, to support our fundraising activities.

Memberships: The Community Association is supported by members, membership households, and volunteers. Your membership gives you:

  • a voice in the community
  • an opportunity to help set direction and goals for your neighborhood
  • input on urban planning
  • opportunities for valuable friendships and camaraderie, through volunteering

Membership still costs only $15 annually, per household. Please fill in the membership form in this newsletter or online to https://deerridgeca.com/membership/.

Membership in our community association is growing – get your membership now and be a part of the movement to create a vibrant neighbourhood that we can call home.

Board Meetings: All community association members may attend Board meetings. During COVID restrictions, Board meetings are being held virtually. Updates will be posted on the website.

At a Board meeting, you’ll have opportunity to:

  • hear the latest community news and get updates first-hand
  • ask questions and get answers
  • meet with and hear reports from your City and Provincial government representatives, and our Calgary Police Service community liaison officer

Email to let us know you’d like to participate, and we’ll send you a link to join the meeting.

Upcoming Board Meeting dates:

June 15, 2021, at 7:00 pm

July/August – no regular Board meetings

Annual General Meeting and Board Elections

September 21, 2021, at 7:00 pm

Watch the Deer Ridge Community Association website at https://deerridgeca.com for updates to meetings, community matters, and sometimes a bit of fun stuff.