Deer Run Message from the Board for August

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Local Olympians

It’s going to be twice as exciting to watch the Tokyo Olympics this summer as two of Deer Run’s very own, Halle and Cole Pratt, are in the games. The Pratts have lived in Deer Run since 2007 and are a swimming family. Both athletes can be found in the pool. Halle (21) will compete in Artistic Swimming, and her brother, Cole (18), will compete in the 100m Backstroke. Cole may also have the chance to compete in the Medley Relay events. Please join us in cheering them on and welcoming our Olympians back! Hang up a Canadian flag in their honour!

A Safe and Caring Skatepark

We’re seeing heavy usage of the skatepark by locals and visitors alike. It’s great to see so many people enjoying this City of Calgary facility. What’s not great is the increase in trash and swearing! Although two garbage bins have been installed, lots of trash is being left on the ground. There has also been a noticeable increase in the amount of swearing and inappropriate music. Everybody, regardless of their age, needs to pick up after themselves and conduct themselves appropriately. We strongly recommend more adult supervision. Parents are encouraged to accompany or check in on their children. We ask all park users to do their part in creating a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe skatepark experience in Deer Run.

11th Annual Community Clean-Up and Waste Disposal

On Sunday, September 26, between 9:00 am and 1:30 pm, you can drop off your acceptable household and non-commercial waste items at the Deer Run Community Centre! Together with Calgary Waste & Recycling and Calgary Community Standards, DRCA is once again hosting the annual community clean up event. Check our website or the announcement in this newsletter for details, as there are some items we cannot accept. We also need help on the day of the event. Please call the community centre at 403-278-3117 to volunteer. Thank you.

Back to School Traffic

Classes resume on Tuesday, September 1 at Deer Run School. Please follow these traffic tips to keep the streets safe. Children, always use the crosswalks and learn “Hand in the Air – Point, Pause, Proceed”. Parents, leave on time to avoid rushing, and if you are walking with your child, use the crosswalks. Drivers, never make a U-turn in the school or playground zone and stay under the speed limit. Everyone, be careful when you approach, enter, or leave the busy community centre parking lot.

The entire parking lot to the east of the school belongs to the community association. Please consider buying a membership or making a donation to help with the maintenance of the lot, such as snow removal. We wish everybody a good start to the new school year!

Out-of-School Care

Looking for before or after school care? Deer Run Community Child Care (DRCCC) is a fun, play-based environment located right in the Deer Run Community Centre. DRCCC provides care for kindergarten to grade 6 in our Out of School care program, as well as childcare for children ages 19 months to 5 years (pre-kinder) in our Daycare program. Visit our website for more information and registration forms at

From the Board