Deer Run’s Message from the Board for January

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The Deer Run Board of Directors hopes that all of our community members had a safe and Merry Christmas/holiday celebration and New Year. I am sure some of you found it difficult to spend time with family and friends with the constantly changing rules.

Speaking of New Years, for anyone who made a resolution to lose their newly found ‘COVID Bulge’, be sure to check out the Community Centre. We offer some great drop-in activities such as the weight room, the racquet ball courts, and other activities. Many organized activities are listed monthly in the Villager.

Don’t forget the outdoor rinks (ODR) behind the Deer Run Community Centre. Ice skating is a good way to spend time outdoors and get moving. With the weird and wacky weather we have experienced lately, hopefully, they will be in great shape. Our Rink Ratz do excellent work every year to maintain the ice. Mark your calendar for the annual Family Skate Party, which is scheduled for February 12 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The skate party will be dependent on Public Health guidelines at the time.

We hope you had a chance to get out and look at some of the great Christmas light displays. I have never seen so many lights in my neighbourhood – they all look fantastic! I know of two excellent displays along Deer Run Drive; however, I am sure there are many more that I have not yet discovered. Thanks to all of you that decorate our community and help us get into the spirit of Christmas!

Another group of great individuals that deserve appreciation are the Snow Angels. They make the extra effort to clear the snow from a friend or neighbours’ walkways. People are the superheroes in the city. A special “Thank You” goes out to all of you.

Many people suffer from the winter doldrums due to the cold, dark weather, and January can be a tough month. It’s a good time to take on a project, call a friend, plan an outing, or add some exercise to your day. It’s also important to be kind. Take a moment to thank the folks who help you, such as the store clerks, or the person who holds a door open for you. A small gesture can sure help brighten someone’s day.

We wish everyone a great start to the new year.

David Brooke

Vice President, Deer Run Community Association