Deer Run’s Message from the Board for May

DeerRun cn

Dear fellow residents,

I would like to start this letter by stating our hearts go out to our neighbours displaced or otherwise affected by the recent fire at the Meadowbrook building. We wish you a smooth and swift recovery from this tragedy.

With another winter season behind us, we look forward to the summer ahead! The replacement of heating and air conditioning systems is complete and (with special thanks to Brenda) our kitchen cupboards, countertops, and appliances have been upgraded! Now we are ready to continue focusing on our goal of keeping our centre current and vibrant with renovations and upgrades being planned and completed throughout the coming months.

We have had many successful special events over the year such as our Neighbourhood Cleanup, Skate Party, Easter Party, Christmas Market, Litter Cleanup, Jellybean Dances, and Family Movie Nights! Look forward to more of our events coming soon, like our Stampede Breakfast! Watch our website and social media for more information!

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