Thank You Deer Run Family Easter Party Volunteers

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A sincere thanks to all the volunteers who made Easter extra special for our kids this year. A special shout out to the Easter Bunny who made a delightful appearance and was kind enough to shake everyone’s hand. Deb Monteith attended the chaotic cookies and crafting table for the first time, and she was fantastic. We also bumped into the Easters – Mom and daughter Charysse and Tristan – who got all the little egg seekers’ attention by holding up the cartoonishly giant ‘Stop’ sign at the rendezvous for the egg hunt. That’s not all of our volunteers, but as the year goes on, we’d like to photograph and thank as many of you as possible in these pages. Whether it’s parties like these, or community cleanup events, they don’t happen without all of your help, so please accept our gratitude and sign up for the next opportunity to keep our community special.

Charisse Trystan

Deb Monteith

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