Bowling with Santa in Fairview

Fairview cn

Ho Ho Ho!

Bowling with Santa is back for the fourth fabulous year. Formerly a long-time Skate with Santa event, in 2018 we were able to pivot and continue this well-attended community visit with the big guy, at the local bowling facility. Toppler Bowl, a long-established community partner whose primary owner also resides within Fairview is now our Bowling with Santa location.

The bowling alley is able to accommodate 80 bowlers, although full capacity (~120) for the event is actually higher as some participants, typically parents, choose not to bowl. No bowling experience is necessary to attend. This event is held within Fairview by the Fairview Community Association, but we do not restrict the event to Fairview families only – individuals and families from other communities are welcome to also attend.

This year’s event is Sunday, December 8, 2024, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at Toppler Bowl (7640 Fairmount Dr SE). Planning is already underway, but we know there will be bowling, fun, a few prizes and a special visitor! More information will be upcoming on our website and social media pages (Instagram @fairviewyyc, and Facebook @Fairview Community). If you have questions, suggestions or are interested in contributing and volunteering, please message us at [email protected].

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