Fairview’s President’s Message for January

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Hello Fairview!

I know it’s been awhile since I included an update in our newsletter – welcome to all new Fairviewers who have chosen to make this community their home in the past several months.

Your Fairview Community Association (FCA) is led by your neighbours! We are completely volunteer run by passionate folks in Fairview. We represent and advocate for the community; raise funds; stay on top of local issues; and work together to hold events and bring opportunities to Fairview. Did you know that your board is now only eight people? Did you know that two of us have been on the board for over seven years, and there are a number of us hitting our four-year anniversary?

The FCA board acts as a community voice, liaising between residents and the City of Calgary to represent local perspective and advocate on behalf of our community on social, cultural, environmental, urban planning, and community issues. We offer events for residents like Movie In The Park, and take charge of things like the seasonal skating rink, and playground and park revitalization. Do you want a voice in influencing what events or services we offer, advocacy efforts, or governance?

It’s said that the number one reason people don’t volunteer is because no one asked: so I’m asking you! Get involved! I’ve lived in Fairview since 2006 and I joined the board several years ago because I love this community. I joined the board executive team in 2018 to fulfill a lifelong dream of being president (well, actually not). In my time on the board, I’ve had the opportunity to meet lots of really great people, learn new perspectives, and create change. Join us!

Connect with anyone on the board (you can email me directly at [email protected]) and let us know if you can help us ensure Fairview stays a great neighbourhood for decades to come.

I look forward to working with everyone this upcoming year, working on the hopes and ideas of our residents, but also being part of Fairview’s continuing evolution.

Happy 2023!

Regan Klyn