Fairview’s President’s Message for July

Fairview cn

Welcome to summer! It has been a busy spring, wrapping up with our AGM on June 6 and our super popular Wine and Cheese fundraiser. We invite you to our events popping up in the Sparking Lot (behind NaAC) over the summer, including the Grand Opening on July 20, 2024, where we will have games, outdoor activities, face painting, food trucks, and lots of other fun events!

At our AGM we heard from Ben and George on behalf of Midtown Station, the development happening over in Fisher Park. They spoke about the next steps in the process and will continue to communicate with the FCA and keep us as informed as possible. We’ll continue to pass information along, on social media and our online newsletter (head to our website to sign up!) MLA Diana Batten also attended and shared a quick update about her role in the legislature and community activities.

Our membership re-elected several members of last years’ board including Dave Eisenbart, Wayne McNeely, Nicole McNeely, Les Sorenson, Alicia Davis, Michelle Stensrud, and myself, Megan Federow. Our newest board member is Lisa Schooling, who will be our Treasurer and taking over for Sam Koots who is leaving the board this year. We’d like to thank Sam for all his hard work and the time he has contributed to the community, including being a driving force behind Fairview’s pump track.

The board doesn’t formally meet in the summer, our first board meeting will be September 10, 2024, at 7:00 pm. All residents are welcome to attend!

If you have questions, suggestions or thoughts we invite you to reach out to us at [email protected], or through social media at @fairviewyyc.

We’ll see you out at our summer events!


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