McKenzie Towne’s Community Update for April 2023


The McKenzie Towne Community Association is excited for spring and new growth. We have been busy over the last few months setting up a new website and a more professional approach to managing our information and memberships. Check out the new website at

The McKenzie Towne Community Association (MTCA) is a volunteer-based organization that exists in your community – we are your neighbours, we bring together residents, and we act as a voice for our community.

MTCA is dedicated to making sure our community is a great place to live, work, and play. Purchasing a membership is a great way to get involved. Buy a membership for $10 per household and join us in making events happen in our community.

MTCA is a voice for the community on important City of Calgary decisions that may impact our community, such as planning and development issues. We have a liaison with all levels of government, local schools, McKenzie Towne Council, and our local policing community resource officer. Your membership includes an invitation to join us as we make our voices heard at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government.

To contact us, email [email protected].