Mid-Sun Social Seniors

MidSun cn

As we turn the calendar page to December, we draw forth the excitement of the festive season with the beauty of lights, music, traditions, giving, friends, and family. Each person also embraces or feels the pressure of preparation, planning, budgeting, traditions, and rapidly passing days. Whichever holiday you celebrate, our wish is that it brings you joy which will outweigh the bustle and frustrations of the season and leave you with memories to cherish.

December Events

Cards and Games at MSCC

Thursday, December 5, 12, 19 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm

Please join us for the fun and challenge of familiar games or to learn a new game. All seniors 55+ are welcome to attend. Snacks and beverages are served. We are no longer accepting small monetary donations. We do, however, encourage you to contribute a non-perishable food item each week. Donations will be delivered to a local charity that distributes to those who experience food insecurity. This month’s recipient is Hope Mission.

Our last card day of this year will be Thursday, December 19. Cards will resume on Thursday, January 9, 2025.

Pub Nite

Due to the busy December schedule, there will be no Pub Nite in December. We envision you sharing a meal with family or friends during this time. Our monthly Pub Nite event will resume in January. Watch for details.

Christmas Luncheon

Monday, December 16 from 12:00 to 2:30 pm

Once again, we will celebrate the season with a catered buffet dinner, complete with turkey and ham, side dishes, and dessert. There will be recorded music for listening and/or dancing, a silent auction (cash/cheque only), and a draw for a few door prizes. We thank all the local businesses who donated prizes that will thrill our lucky seniors. This event will require registration, host a maximum of 100 people, and charge a per person fee. Last year’s dinner sold out quickly and was a most enjoyable event despite winter bringing a storm. We hope that you are able to join us!

Registration: Please contact [email protected] for the link and registration opening date.


As of January 1, all participants of Mid-Sun Seniors’ group will be asked to purchase an annual household Mid-Sun Membership to support the community. If you are not a community resident, there is still a membership option available for you to support. Membership details can be explored at the MSCC office, at www.midsun.org, or by calling 403-254-8058.

Happy Holidays to all Mid-Sun Seniors and their families. We look forward to meeting you during our activities in the new year. For information about this group, please contact [email protected].

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