Mid-Sun Social Seniors

MidSun cn

Happy New Year! As we celebrate 2025, we wish you health and well-being. We are looking forward to an interesting year in the Mid-Sun Seniors’ group, as we engage in some new initiatives and continue to welcome new members.

January 2025 Activities

Cards and Games

Thursday, January 9, 16, 23, 30 *New Time*

Our Thursday gatherings will resume on Thursday, January 9 with a major change. As we have added new card players each month, we have outgrown the capacity of our room. After deliberation, we have decided to try a new approach that will meet our needs and give you more flexibility. Beginning on January 9, we will offer two sessions for you to choose between. Times will be 10:00 am to 12:00 noon or the regular 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The format will be the same for both sessions with tables set up, small snacks, beverages, and visiting. We are excited about this change and look forward to your feedback.

When joining us for cards, we no longer accept cash donations. Alternatively, in the spirit of community, we request that each participant bring a food donation as they are able to. The items will be taken to a local charity which will change throughout the year. Our first recipient is The Hope Mission which supports families. In November, the initial month, our seniors contributed 157 items, for a total of 159 lbs of food. Some cash was given in a sealed Hope Mission envelope. Thank you, Seniors!

As of January 1, seniors who are participating in events and Thursday social days are required to support the community by holding a Mid-Sun Community Association membership which is available at the MSCC office. If you are new, a “try before you buy” policy applies so you can join us for a day and determine if the card activity is a match for your needs. Please learn about the benefits and perks of the membership by calling 403-254-8058, in person at the centre or contacting www.midsun.org. This is a family membership and is also available for those who live in surrounding communities.


Monday, January 20, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Our license for monthly Bingo games has been approved by AGLC. Please join us as we play ten games with cash prizes. Cards are $5 for a package of ten cards. A small cash concession will also be provided. This is a cash only event and registration is required. There are limited spaces available. For details and a registration link please contact [email protected].

Pub Nite:

Tuesday, January 28, 5:00 to approximately 7:00 pm

Blowers and Grafton (70 Shawville Blvd SE)

Each month, seniors 55+ gather at a local venue to laugh, chat and enjoy the daily special or a menu item that catches their eye. Each person is responsible for their own bill and the required 18% tip for a group. If you wish to attend, please contact [email protected]. as we like to give the venue an accurate number of diners so they can prepare for the group.

As you stay safe and warm during this month, enjoy time planning and dreaming (vacations, spring planting, home improvements, activities, etc.) as well as refreshing with a book, friends, a favourite movie or a hobby. We hope that you will make time to venture out and join our seniors’ activities and meet new friends as well.

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