News from the Sundance Lake Residents Association

MidSun cn

Protect our lake from whirling disease, zebra muscles, and invasive species. These things spread between lakes and rivers by contaminated water, equipment, and clothing going from one water body to another. Not only boats can cross-contaminate the lake! Be aware that your water toys, fishing gear, water shoes, life jackets, and swimsuits can also cause issues for the lake. So please clean, drain, and dry all your water gear.

Whirling disease is a threat to our trout caused by a microscopic parasite that causes significant damage to their skeletons.

Zebra muscles attach to any hard surface in the water such as boats and docks and cause a lot of damage, resulting in increased operational and maintenance costs. Zebra muscles also compete with the fish for food which would cause our fish to be smaller and less abundant. Zebra muscles are also stinky and foul the beach experience. Once established in a water body, there is no known way to get rid of zebra muscles.

Invasive species (like perch) and diseases can also be introduced into the lake by releasing live fish into the water, or by using fish eggs as bait.

To protect Sundance Lake from cross-contamination, it is important to follow proper decontamination procedures when moving between different bodies of water. This includes cleaning and disinfecting all fishing gear, swimming equipment, and boats before and after use.

Items that cannot be decontaminated should be left at home. For example, felt-soled waders (unless they have removable felt soles) as they cannot be properly decontaminated or water guns that were used in a place that is already having troubles.

Clean Your Gear – Clean off any vegetation and mud. Wherever possible, wash with high pressure, hot, soapy water, or bleach water.

Drain – Drain all the water from boats or toys.

Dry – Dry all items completely for one week or more.

Thank you for protecting our lake!

New Lines

With the new paving project completed just before winter, we will be repainting the basketball court lines this spring! We are also installing new backboards.

We are repainting the main parking lot and adding some more spaces and additional mobility access stalls. Painting will happen after hours so there will be no disruption to access.

Summer Entrance

The Calgary Parking Authority has given us a grant to install a mobility access ramp at the summer entrance. Thank you, CPA! We are coordinating this construction to occur at the same time as an upgrade from the chain link fence to a decorative fence. Look for the big reveal on our website and Facebook page!

Save the Date: Stampede Breakfast

July 8 from 9:00 am to noon

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