The Mid-Sun President’s Message for May


Hello everyone and welcome to the Merry Month of May!

No matter what the weather, May is the month of spring, which always feels like new hope and new beginnings. Although life is far from what it was like in the ‘before time’, there are still things to celebrate this month. Apart from Mother’s Day and Victoria Day, there are other fun “National Days” in May too! Not sure what those are? Here’s a small list (and no, I did not make these up):

Star Wars Day May 4

National Eat What You Want Day May 11

National Dance like a Chicken Day May 14

National Paper Airplane Day May 26

There is also a National Devil’s Food Cake Day on May 19 and my personal favorite, National Hamburger Day on May 28 – yes, I’m all about the food!

There are other things going on in our community in May. Our Garden Committee has been busy getting organized for the upcoming gardening season. There are still plots available, check out our website at if you’d like to rent one. Registration for Summer Day Camps is ongoing as well, with details also on our website. And we are finalizing our updated Mid-Sun Community Association Bylaws. These will be posted on our website once complete!

There are a couple of other things I should mention. Trico Center hosted a discussion with neighbouring communities on how we could engage and connect. We will be hearing more about that in the future. Also, all the communities in Local Area Plan 39, which includes Midnapore and Sundance, are looking at getting together to discuss Local Area Plans and how that might impact us. Many thanks to Paul Bushell, Vice-President of the Evergreen Community Association for organizing that.

With the nicer weather there are more folks out walking our lovely neighborhood, and I am hearing concerns about the dog waste laying around. I mentioned last month that we would like to investigate installing dog poop bag stations in a few strategic locations and we do need volunteers to look into this. Please contact me if you’d like to be involved.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggests for our community, please let me know.

Patsy McNish

[email protected]