Mid-Sun’s July President Message


Hi Everyone,

First of all, big huge congratulations to all those in our community who graduated this past year. While the celebrations of this event are noticeably different, the accomplishment is still as important! I wish you all a terrific future filled with opportunity and happiness.

Many thanks to Heidi Dubetz for sharing the cover photo of a bobcat in Sundance peeking through a fence! It’s a great picture and reminds us of how lucky we are to live close to Fish Creek Park and have the opportunity to see such amazing animals.

I’m really excited about the progress made by Erin and the amazing playground committee. They submitted the final design for the Sunlake playground to the city and received the final approval! If all works out, the playground will be built this fall. A million thanks to the playground committee for all their hard work on this.

Something else exciting is our new, redesigned website, compliments of our Facility Coordinator, Vanessa Bruce. The design is bright, fresh, and easy to navigate. Please check it out at www.midsun.org. Thanks a zillion, Vanessa.

On the not so exciting front, we were all disappointed that we had to cancel our summer day camps due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our summer day camps have had rave reviews over the years, cancelling them was a difficult decision but we did feel it was in the best interest of the kids and the staff. Hopefully, life will be different next year, and we will be able to offer our day camps then.

Our year-end is June 30, so we are planning for the rest of 2020 and on into 2021. This is challenging, considering we have limited line of sight into next month, let alone the fall. We will keep our website updated with information as it comes available.

I’ll close by noting that recent events have reminded us that racism and discrimination do still exist. These have no place in our community, and we must all do our part in making sure it is eliminated. If there is something you think our community should be doing in this regard, please let me know.


Board President

Mid-Sun Community Association