Mid Sun’s May President’s Message


My goodness, how quickly things change.

When I wrote the President’s Message for April, the world looked a lot different that it does right now. Then, I was focused on the weather warming up, our spring classes, and a number of exciting initiatives in the community. Now, we are in the midst of the pandemic, our community center is closed, our spring classes are cancelled, and there are far too many victims of the COVID-19 virus.

However, I do think of a line from the movie ‘Starman’ – he says something like ‘people are at their very best when things are at their worst’. One of our best is our General Manager, Sharmaleigh Luft, who has impressed us all with her swift response to a changing situation. There’s no ‘what to do at the community center in a pandemic’ manual sitting around so she has had to develop policies and plans on the fly. Thanks tons, Sharmaleigh.

Another best are the wonderful folks who are posting encouragement and suggestions on the Mid-Sun Community Discussions and Recommendations Facebook Group. If you haven’t joined yet, please consider doing so; it’s a great place for community information and lots of inspiration.

There are numerous other bests: the many in our community who have reached out to make sure others are okay and volunteer assistance if needed; people who are helping us smile by posting a joke or a picture in front of their house; friendly waves from the people walking past on the street and in the greenbelt. It’s these small bests that are going to get us all through this.

Although most of our community association initiatives are on pause now, there are some things moving forward. Erin and the playground committee are still working on plans for the new playground and hoping for an installation this year. Our social media presence is continuing, and we are still working on policy development and board documentation. Although the community center is closed, plans are being built for its reopening, for possible summer camps and fall programs. Updates can be found on our website at www.midsun.org.

As usual, if there is anything the community association can be doing, please let me know at [email protected].

Stay safe and healthy,
